Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Pharmacovigilance Study Material - OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE

1. To provide an opportunity for the students to learn about development of Pharmacovigilance as a science, basic terminologies used in Pharmacovigilance, global scenario of Pharmacovigilance.

2. To train students on establishing Pharmacovigilance programs in an organization, various methods that can be used to generate safety data and signal detection.


1. Introduction to clinical research and Pharmacovigilance and their importance

Clinical trial history and stages
History and development of Pharmacovigilance

2. Definitions and Basic terminologies used in Pharmacovigilance

3. ICH-GCP Guidelines and Guidelines on Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP)

4. SAE Reporting Amendments to DCGI in India

5. Seriousness and Causality assessment

6. Dechallenge and Rechallenge

7. Drug dictionaries and coding in Pharmacovigilance

MedDRA and Standardized MedDRA queries
WHO drug dictionary

8. Signal detection, Risk assessment and management

Identification of new adverse drug reactions
Signal detection in pre and post marketing period
Prioritization and risk assessment
Risk management

9. Argus Safety Databse

10. Case Narratives

Regulatory perspectives of narrative writing
Case narratives from clinical trial data
Case narratives from post marketing reporting
Quality assessment of case narratives
Spontaneous Case reporting
Literature Case reporting

11. Information resources in Pharmacovigilance

Basic drug information resources
Specialized resources for ADRs
Critical evaluation of medication safety literature

12. Communication in Pharmacovigilance

Effective communication in Pharmacovigilance
Communication in Drug Safety Crisis management
Communicating with Regulatory Agencies, Business Partners, Healthcare facilities & Media
Dear Doctor Letters to Healthcare Professionals and e-mail etiquettes
E-mail etiquettes

13. On Job Responsibilities

14. Resume Preparation

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